Project 2

                        Introduction Of BIM Model With Web and Database Query

The project involved the conversion of BIM model into a web interface which will enable a user to link html formats and as well as directly finding out the information of any element as in access file in a tabular format. The tasks performed for its execution are as follows.
Task 1 :- I have tried to link the plot area to the size of the gate , the relation signifies the increase in the gate width with increase in the plot area . the idea is to be adaptive to single house and also multiple houses in same land area.The images below give a clear idea about the linking of the plot to the gate size.

The Original gate Distance

The view after the Increase in the land area.
For this, I Have made a shared parameter for the width of the gate and the width of the Plot. These shared parameters were assigned to the respective families. On importing this Revit file into Microsoft Access using RDB link, these shared parameters were also imported. I then created a query using "Design Query" in Access and linked the widht the gate and the Land Area formula. On running this query, the value of one parameter changes directly on changing the value of another parameter. Thus, we need to run the query after changing the Plot Area and then import it back to the Revit file using RDB link. The changes in the width of the gate is seen in the Revit file.